Menopause specialist - Renew Wellness

Overview of Menopause

Menopause marks the end of a woman's menstrual cycles and fertility. It typically occurs naturally between the ages of 45-55 as hormone levels change.

Some key features of menopause include:

Around perimenopause, many women experience irregular cycles and early menopause symptoms as hormones begin fluctuating. Premature menopause affects 1% of women under age 40.

Diagnosis and Testing

Accurately diagnosing menopause involves tracking cycles and testing hormone levels like estrogen, FSH, and anti-Müllerian hormone with blood tests.

The results help determine menopause status and rule out other conditions. Testing should be overseen by an experienced menopause specialist due to complexity interpreting hormone changes.

Monitoring levels over time also guides individualized treatment plans. Our knowledgeable physicians at Renew Wellness specialize in thorough menopause lab testing and analysis.

Long-term Effects on Health

Over time, declining estrogen from menopause can impact many aspects of health:

Our menopause hormone specialists stay up-to-date on the latest research about optimizing women's health in midlife and beyond through strategic hormone therapy.

Finding a Menopause Specialist

Choosing the right doctor who treats menopause is crucial for each woman's unique needs. Consider an endocrinologist specializing in menopause or OB/GYN with extra menopause training.

Qualities to look for include:

Our physicians at Renew Wellness exhibit these ideal qualities so patients feel fully supported physically and emotionally during hormone changes. We personalize care for each woman's symptoms, risks, and goals using evidence-based therapies.

Hormone Therapy Overview

For moderate-severe hot flashes and other menopause symptoms, hormone therapy (HT) offers relief by replacing depleted hormones like estrogen or progesterone.

Different MHT options include:

Benefits beyond symptom relief can include protecting bone, heart, brain, and metabolic health in some women if used strategically under 50 or within 10 years of menopause.

Risks like blood clots, stroke, and cancer are lower with current HT dosing and routes compared to the past. Our Renew Wellness specialists ensure treatments are tailored considering each woman's unique risk/benefit ratio using the latest data. We also provide ongoing monitoring and support.

Visit a menopause specialist for better care.

MHT Options and Protocols

There are various effective options these days for treating bothersome menopause symptoms including hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood changes, and sleep disruption that impact quality of life.

Hormone therapy can provide relief when tailored strategically to each woman's needs by a menopause specialist. Types include:

Estrogen Therapy

Estrogen replaces what declines during menopause. Estradiol is the main reproductive estrogen.

Delivery methods:

Delivery Method Examples
Pills Premarin, estradiol pills
Patches Climara, Vivelle, Menostar, Estradiol patches
Vaginal Vagifem tablets, Estrace cream
Gels Divigel, Elestrin
Rings Estring vaginal ring

Pros: Relieves hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal symptoms effectively. Various dosing and routes to choose from.

Cons: Can't take if have a history of breast cancer, blood clots, stroke, liver disease, etc. Progestogen needed in women with a uterus to prevent cancer.


Progestogens are progesterone-like and come as pills, IUDs, or injections.


Type Examples
Progesterone Micronized prometrium
Synthetics Provera, Aygestin (medroxyprogesterone), norethindrone

Purpose: Protects the uterine lining when taking systemic estrogen.

Cons: Some progestogens carry extra health risks like heart disease or breast cancer. Our specialists stay on top of the latest safety data to guide choices.

Combined Hormone Therapy

Combines estrogen progestogen together into one pill for convenience.

Brand names: Prefest, CombiPatch patch, Nuvelle continuous combined oral.

Pros of combo: Prevent unwanted bleeding, take just one pill. Specific regimens have fewer breast cancer cases like pairing conjugated equine estrogen with bazedoxifene (Duavee).

Supporting Health and Safety

Our Renew Wellness providers optimize safety during hormone therapy by:

We also provide education and support around safe sex, proper use of applicators, and managing side effects.

Lifestyle Recommendations

Lifestyle adjustments combined with hormone therapy can provide optimal symptom relief and long-term health in menopause. Our specialists at Renew Wellness provide personalized recommendations on:


Eating foods like vegetables, fruits, and whole grains ensures adequate intake of protective nutrients during hormone changes:


Regular exercise helps manage mood, sleep, weight, and muscle loss during menopause. A mix of weight-bearing, cardio, and strength training offers optimal health benefits. We suggest:

Stress and Sleep

Menopause hormone shifts interfere with mood and sleep regulation. Developing better coping strategies can make this transition smoother:

Addressing Special Cases

While most women transition through natural menopause without major complications, some face special situations requiring more tailored care.

Our compassionate Renew Wellness specialists have expertise across the spectrum of menopause cases:

Surgical Menopause

Women who undergo hysterectomy (uterus removal) typically enter abrupt surgical menopause if ovaries are also removed before natural menopause. This sudden hormone loss causes more severe symptoms than natural declines.

HT is often recommended until at least natural menopausal age to protect bone and heart health. Support around grief, sexuality, and treatment choices is also provided.

Early Menopause

Primary ovarian insufficiency impacts 1% of women under 40 through premature ovarian failure. It requires specialized medical and emotional support to cope with early menopause.

HT including estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone is typically used until the natural menopause age of early 50s. Egg freezing may be discussed. Multidisciplinary care addresses risks of osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, and emotional health related to early hormone loss.

Seek specialized care for your menopause transition.


We hope this guide has helped explain that support for menopause exists to optimize your health, lifestyle, and quality of life during this transition. Our experienced menopause specialists at Renew Wellness offer customized care for your unique needs through compassionate listening, up-to-date therapies, and ongoing fine-tuning for optimal results. Contact us today to discuss your situation. We are here to help.

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