Hormone therapy - Renew Wellness

Hormone therapy and timely treatment of hormone deficiencies can greatly improve quality of life. The Renew Wellness specializes in innovative and effective hormone therapies to help patients regain health, wellbeing, and vitality.

Why Hormones Matter

Hormones regulate virtually all body functions - from metabolism and weight to cognition, libido, and much more. When hormones are balanced, we feel energized and thrive. Hormone imbalances manifest through symptoms like fatigue, mood changes, sexual dysfunction, weight gain, and others. If left untreated, they lead to chronic issues and accelerated aging.

Timely hormone deficiency treatment can reverse symptoms, prevent disease, slow aging, and help patients get their lives back. The knowledgeable physicians at Renew Wellness use advanced testing and therapies centered around the patient for optimal results.

Our Services

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalances

The first step is diagnosing hormone deficiencies or excesses through blood work and analyzing symptoms. We evaluate key hormones:


Low testosterone or "low T" afflicts millions of aging men. Symptoms include:

Symptom Description
Low libido and erectile dysfunction Decreased sexual desire and performance
Lack of energy and endurance Feeling tired and fatigued
Increased body fat and reduced muscle mass Changes in body composition
Mood issues - irritability, depression Emotional imbalances
Poor concentration and memory Cognitive impairment

Healthy testosterone levels are vital for men's health. When clinically low, testosterone therapy can reverse years of deficiency.


Like testosterone, estrogen levels decline with age causing symptoms like:

Symptom Description
Hot flashes Sudden feelings of body heat
Vaginal dryness Discomfort during intercourse
Joint pain Aches and stiffness in joints
Bladder issues Urinary incontinence or frequency
Loss of skin elasticity Wrinkles and sagging skin

Balancing estrogen improves these significantly.


The thyroid gland produces hormones critical for metabolism and energy. Hypothyroidism is common, causing:

Restoring thyroid output relieves symptoms and boosts wellbeing.

Other Hormones

Cortisol, DHEA, melatonin, and others also impact health. Identifying deficiencies empowers us to optimize treatment.

Restore health, reclaim energy, contact Renew Wellness today.

Benefits of Hormone Therapy

Hormone therapy tailors medication dosages to fit your individual hormone needs for noticeable benefits like:

Regaining Vitality

- Balanced hormones equal balanced energy levels - Being productive and active again - Better sleep, less fatigue - Improved cognition and concentration

Halting and Reversing Aging

- Wrinkle reduction - Regaining muscle tone - Restored hair growth - Increased bone density

Boosting Sex Drive and Function

- Increased desire and stamina - Correcting erectile issues - More pleasurable sex

Better Health and Wellbeing

- Healthier cholesterol and heart - Reduced depression and anxiety - Greater confidence and optimism - Weight normalization

An active lifestyle and healthy nutrition amplify benefits. Our physicians provide personalized guidance.

Hormone Therapy Protocol Basics

After diagnosis, your physician creates a customized treatment plan. Therapies include:

Bioidentical Hormones

These plant-sourced hormones match your natural ones to optimize results while minimizing side effects. Available in pills, patches, gels, and injections.

Testosterone Therapy

Delivers testosterone supplementation via injections, gels/creams, or pellets to reverse deficiency. Closely monitored to avoid excess.

Systemic HRT

Traditional systemic hormone therapy for women that balances estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Multi-delivery methods available for individual needs.

Localized HRT

Low-dose vaginal estrogen, creams, and inserts treat urogenital symptoms of menopause while avoiding systemic side effects.

We also provide therapies for thyroid, human growth hormone, and other deficiency treatment coupled with testing, monitoring, and follow-ups.

Why Choose Renew Wellness?

When seeking hormone replacement doctors and hormone imbalance treatment, select qualified professionals.

Take control of your health. Visit Renew Wellness for effective hormone therapy.


Hormone imbalances can significantly impact your quality of life, but timely treatment can reverse the effects and restore your vitality. At Renew Wellness, our experienced physicians use advanced testing and personalized hormone therapy protocols to address your specific needs. Contact us today to schedule an evaluation and take the first step towards regaining your hormonal balance and overall wellbeing.

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