Peptide injections - Renew Wellness

Peptide injections have transformational benefits when used properly under medical supervision. This in-depth guide by the Renew Wellness covers everything you need to know.

Basics of Peptide Injections

Peptide injections involve administering amino acid chains called peptides into the body to positively influence health and wellbeing. When given at optimal dosages, they can help resolve hormone deficiencies leading to improved energy, strength, endurance, body composition, libido, cognition, mood, and more.

There are over 7000 identified peptides with a variety of functions. Some of the most common include:

Unlike anabolic steroids, peptides stimulate your own natural hormone production pathways safely. When paired with lifestyle optimization, they can help you actualize your genetic potential.

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalances

The first step is getting properly tested to identify any hormone deficiencies:

| Hormone | Key Functions | Deficiency Signs | Testing | |--------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Testosterone | Muscle growth, fat loss, energy, libido, cognition, competitiveness, confidence, bone density | Low energy, poor concentration, emotional lability, low libido, erectile dysfunction, reduced strength and endurance | Total and free testosterone, SHBG | | Estrogen | Libido, cognition, bone health, cardiovascular function, skin/hair health | Hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, headaches, mood changes, trouble sleeping, thinning skin and hair | Estradiol, estrone | | GH | Cell regeneration, tissue healing, bone strength, muscle growth, fat metabolism, immunity | Depressed mood, decreased muscle mass, weight gain (visceral fat), thin and dry skin, hair loss, fatigue, lower bone density | IGF-1, IGFBP3 | | Thyroid | Metabolic rate, temperature regulation, cardiovascular function, muscle strength, menstrual regularity, cholesterol | Fatigue, weight gain, feeling cold, dry skin, hair loss, heavy periods, muscle cramps, high cholesterol | TSH, free T4, free T3, reverse T3 | | Cortisol | Energy production, anti-inflammatory activity, blood sugar control, stress response | Chronic fatigue, blood sugar dysregulation, increased allergies and chemical sensitivities | Multiple timed saliva measurements (8AM, noon, 5PM, 11PM suggested minimum) | | Melatonin | Circadian rhythm regulation, sleep onset and quality | Difficulty falling/staying asleep, daytime sleepiness | Saliva and urine measurements | | Prolactin | Lactation, reproductive health | Abnormal menstrual cycles, reduced libido, erectile dysfunction, infertility | Serum prolactin | | DHEA | Bone strength, muscle composition, mood, libido, immunity, cardiovascular health | Depression, irritability, loss of interest in sex, weakened bones and muscles | DHEA-S |

Monitoring levels over time is key as they can fluctuate. Our clinic offers state-of-the art testing using gold-standard methods. Early optimization prevents progression to chronic disease states.

Why Timely Treatment Matters

Hormone declines negatively impact nearly every bodily system. The gradual onset of symptoms means imbalances often go unchecked for years leading to:

In men, "andropause" parallels menopause in women - testosterone falls 1-2% yearly after age 30. Low strength, libido, energy, and cognition greatly reduce quality of life. Supplementing key hormones can reverse deficits.

Get tested to unlock your true potential.

Benefits of Peptide Injections

Though lifestyle should be addressed first, peptides help resolve stubborn deficiencies. They provide targeted cells regenerative instructions to restore youthful function.

Documented effects include:




Peptide Injection Procedure Basics

Though specific protocols vary based on individual needs, most share common steps:

  1. Have hormone testing performed to identify areas of imbalance
  2. Select appropriate peptides to address deficiencies and enhance healing capacity
  3. Use an insulin syringe to inject small peptide amounts under the skin/muscle
  4. Repeat injections once to multiple times per day depending on peptide duration
  5. Re-test hormones after 60 days and adjust dosages to optimize levels while minimizing side effects
  6. Take regular "holidays" from peptides to facilitate natural production upregulation

Our clinic offers guided treatment plans utilizing premier peptide medications. Detailed instruction ensures proper sterile technique. Follow-up is customized during the initial hormone optimization phase.

Lifestyle Recommendations

While peptides rapidly improve wellbeing, certain lifestyle habits amplify their effectiveness:


Eat a high protein, micronutrient dense whole food diet lower in refined carbohydrates. Limit alcohol and caffeine. Stay well hydrated daily.


Perform resistance and high intensity interval training 3-5 days weekly to stimulate tissue growth. Emphasize large, multi-joint movements that activate maximum muscle mass.

Stress Management

Prioritize sufficient sleep nightly, ideally going to bed before 10pm. Practice meditation, yoga, or breathwork to counteract excess stress. Spend time outdoors and connect with loved ones.

Personalized optimization coaching can help ingrain positive habits.

Get tested to unlock your health potential.

Why Choose Renew Wellness?

With over a decade of experience, Renew Wellness offers cutting edge diagnostic testing and peptide injections tailored to the unique needs of each patient.

Benefits of our clinic include:

We also provide therapies to enhance results:

Inspiring Patient Examples

Many have found renewed vitality under our care. Some examples:

38 year old male executive - Always driven to perform, he noticed declining focus, ambition, and a 50 pound weight gain. Testing revealed low testosterone and IGF-1. After 6 months of Sermorelin/Ipamorelin, his motivation and fitness returned to peak university levels. He even started a side company.

44 year old female entrepreneur - Originally seeking help for fatigue, testing showed advanced hormonal aging. She responded beautifully to testosterone pellet therapy and peptides including Epithalon. Her mood, sleep and appearance improved so much she finally had confidence for dating again.

We have over a decade of success stories - contact us to see if you may benefit.

Peptide Medications Offered


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Medication Primary Effects Duration Dosing Frequency
BPC-157 Healing - especially tendons/ligaments 1-2 hours Daily
CJC-1295 Pituitary growth hormone stimulation Up to 2 weeks 2-3x weekly
Cerebrolysin Neuroprotective, improved cognition N/A 5 days on 2 days off
DSIP Restorative sleep <30 minutes Before bed
Epithalon Pineal gland decalcification prevention to maintain circadian rhythms, anti-aging and anticancer properties 3-4 hours Daily AM
Follistatin Muscle growth, fat burning 1-2 hours Post-workout
Fragment 176-191 Fat loss <30 minutes TID
GHRP-2 Growth hormone stimulation, anti-aging <30 minutes Multiple daily injections
Ipamorelin Growth signaling, fat loss <90 mins Before bed &/or morning post-fasted
LL-37 Immune modulation 8-12 hours Daily
Melanotan II Libido enhancement, sunless tanning 24 hours Every other day
Sermorelin Growth hormone stimulation 12-24 hours Evening
TB-500 Increased injury repair capacity 7-10 days Every 3rd day
Thymosin Beta 4 Tissue repair and regeneration 12-24 hours BID

We offer free consultations to see if peptide therapy is right for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are peptides legal?

Peptides like Sermorelin and others are legal to prescribe and use under medical supervision. As hormones decline with age, they help restore more youthful levels.

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What about side effects?

When properly dosed, most only experience mild short-lived reactions like temporary flushing or fatigue. More serious issues come from abuse. We personalize treatment and monitor regularly for safety.

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How much does treatment cost?

Pricing is customized based on individual needs after testing. Some insurance plans cover diagnostics and medications. Financing can make care more affordable if desired.

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Where are you located?

We cannot disclose our location or contact information publicly due to regulations. Please visit our website or contact us for specific details. Mention this article for a free consultation.


While tremendous research supports peptide injections for deficiency resolution, lifestyle should be addressed first. Our clinic offers cutting edge diagnostics and personalized guidance to help patients actualize full wellness potential. Contact us today to see if we're a fit.

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