Unexplained weight gain - Renew Wellness

Unexplained weight gain can be frustrating and concerning. There are a few potential causes to consider if you notice your weight increasing without clear reason:

If unintentional weight gain persists for a significant time without clear cause, it's wise to make an appointment with your healthcare provider. They can help pinpoint any underlying medical, genetic, or lifestyle factors through exams and testing. Some examples of tests your doctor may consider include: In many cases, sensible diet, exercise, and stress relief changes may help reverse or halt unexplained weight accumulation, often in combination with treatment for underlying conditions. Support from a dietitian or certified health coach at Renew Wellness can guide safe and sustainable lifestyle changes tailored to your unique needs. The key is not ignoring significant unintentional weight changes and seeking professional help to uncover the root causes. Catching issues early vastly improves the chances of getting your weight back on track before it negatively impacts your health.

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