Anxiety - Renew Wellness

Anxiety is a common mental health disorder characterized by constant feelings of worry, nervousness, or unease. It often involves:

Anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias, and separation anxiety disorder. Anxiety vs. fear: What's the difference? Fear is typically a reaction to an immediate threat, like escaping from danger. Anxiety usually occurs without any particular reason or focus. It's more uncontrollable and irrational. What causes anxiety? Research points to a combination of factors, namely genetics, brain chemistry, and childhood experiences. Traumatic events in childhood, like abuse or loss of a parent, may spark anxiety disorders later in life. When does anxiety become a disorder? Occasional anxiety is normal and even beneficial at times. It helps us prepare, focus, and summon energy. Anxiety disorders, however, are marked by excessive, irrational anxiety and fear. The feelings are persistent, lasting 6 months or more, and interfere significantly in the person's social life, career, relationships, or other parts of life. This answer just scratches the surface, but hopefully provides a helpful introduction to anxiety disorders. Visit Renew Wellness for more information and support.

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